
Why did I start this blog? Because I want to rant and rave over anything I possibly can. On my blog, I am always right! So how did I get the title SEND ME YOUR JUNK? Well, lets see…. I was drunk one night and I decided I want random people to send me some of their junk. When I get the junk in the mail, i’ll post pics and bitch about how worthless and how much of a waste of my time it was to open up the package, look at it, and take pictures of it, and then blog about it. I dont really care what you send, but I dont want human shit, dog shit, cat shit….etc coming in the mail to my house. I just want pure junk. I could go for some old Kit-Kat bar wrappers..

Then guess what im gonna do with that junk? Im gonna sell it to your fellow blog readers!

Then they can blog about how they bought worthless junk from SEND ME YOUR JUNK

I will be sure to post some blogs about everyday things that piss me off, make me happy, or that I just dont give a shit about, so be sure to bookmark me.

Tell your friends to send me some of their junk to, and to be a fellow JUNKNER!

Yep, it’s now official, my blog readers will be known as JUNKNERS! So be happy, sit up straight, eat another honey bun, and send me the wrapper!

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