Posts Tagged ‘where are people’

Brett Favre out of retirement – Gellman sucks

August 19, 2009

What is he thinking? Is he as dumb as Gellman? Gellman stopped trying out for the NFl when they told him they don’t like 5’5 320 lb lineman. Favre, retire and stay retire. I swear he must be bleeding once a month.

Sportscards, well those are alright I guess. Lets see if Topps comes out with another lame ass variation or have him riding a lawnmower.

Man fucking Topps.
Man fucking Gellman.

I love rants

Daily Rant- August 14, 2009 YOUR TURN

August 14, 2009

Post a comment about what pisses you off.

Barack Obama?
Fast food workers?

Vent out your frustration to the only one who will care!

Daily Rant – August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009

You know what pissed me off today? I was at Kmart (absolute worst) and I was standing in line. The dumb bitch at the register was standing there, taking her sweet ass time. She then stopped scanning someones shit because the register paper ran out. So instead of walking her fat ass 2 registers over, grabbing a roll of register tape, and walking her fat ass back, she calls someone over the intercom to go to her register. Then she starts complaining about the tape and bla bla. The guy comes, walks 2 registers over, grabs the fucking tape, and than puts it in.

This bitch was a fat fucking lazy disgusting person.

And I know how much she hates her job by her expressions she was putting out. I can’t help your 30 working at Kmart on a fucking register.

Go to school.

Daily Rant – August 11, 2009

August 11, 2009

Why is it that people can’t drive?

I about smashed my $54,000 SUV into a 1990 Mazda piece of shit because the idiot woman didn’t look left before she pulled out.

What a stupid bitch.

I hate people

Daily Rant – August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009

This is a very very serious problem going on in America.

Why is it I am getting charged $.30 extra for a packet of Ketchup?


Back in full swing

August 6, 2009

Ok JUNKNERS, I am back in full action. I just want to say how disgusting it is watching a fat ass drink a soda and eat french fries. That shit just makes my stomach want to come out of my mouth.

I like to collect baseball cards, and sometimes watch youtube videos on the topic. One that gets me sick to my stomach is watching GELLMAN from Sportscards Uncensored rambling on and on about how he wants tacos and cheeseburgers, and how much he hates Beckett, and how his job sucks since he has to work on Saturdays, and how he’s poor. That fat fuck pisses me off.

End of rambling.


July 14, 2009

Ok my little JUNKNERS, im back after a 2 month break. Lets just say those peanut shells that Tina sent weren’t “fresh”. After I consumed a hand full of them, I felt a little woosy, and well, lets just say I had diharea for 3 weeks. After that, I couldn’t piss normal, and I was throwing up some awesome tasting stomach acid, so I had to check into the local ER. 2 months later, Im back and ready to get more junk!

So keep sending it in JUNKNERS, and i’ll keep testing it out!

To Tina who sent me peanut shells

May 26, 2009


Tina, thank you for sending me your peanut shells. One could only imagine what you look like, my guess would be your 5’5, 226 lbs of sexy sweaty female hotness. I wonder how many peanuts you ate. Did you eat a handful? Was is half the bag? Or perhaps the whole bag? Im gonna take a wild guess and say the whole bag. For some odd reason im tempted to put a few of these shells in my mouth, just so it can bring me closer to you Tina. Maybe we have a connection, and will find it through these peanut shells you sent me. I can only hope. Tina please do me a favor next time, instead of peanut shells how about you send me a picture of you and a pair of your nice worn panties. Now thats something a JUNKNER would appreciate!

To the man who sent me dirty socks

May 26, 2009


Ok, so on Saturday I received 2 packages from fellow JUNKNERS. Inside was exactly what I was looking for. Let me start with package 1. I could tell this was going to be something good, as it had a stench that smelt worse than an old babys dirty diaper. I opened it up and found these 2 beautiful worn, smelly, stinky tube socks. Im pretty sure the guy who sent these to me has to be named Bubba or Jerimiah, and he is a maintainence worker in his community trailor park. These socks scream white trash all the way! Nothing against white trash, I am white to. But man Bubba must not shower but 1 time every few weeks. Id love to see him sitting on the steps to his trailor in these socks, with no shoes on, Budweiser can in hand, a white wife beater on, and smoking on a Marlboro Red. Wellllllll I reckonnn. Bubba please put down the beer, take off the socks, take of the wife beater, and jump in the fuckin shower! Im sure you neighbors would appreciate it to.

Ill start this item with a minimum bid of: $25.00

Why I hate Rosie O’Donnell

May 22, 2009


Hmm well besides the pic above, what else more is there to say? I have always disliked Rosie, and I always will. She is a loud mouth, disgusting, not easy on the eyes, gorilla looking wanna be know it all. She just disgusts me to the point to where I would eat a 8 day old hamburger out of the trash can then watch her on TV. How is she still on TV? WTF? Who wants to hear her talk at all? Her voice is fucking annoying. I’d rather listen to 98 Degrees all day long then hear her talk for 5 minutes. Who wants to hear her give her opinions? Shes a dumbass and makes me want to throw up. She could never be a JUNKNER, even though she is absolutely disgusting. OK, thats my serious rant of the day. More rants like this not to come…